
Welcome to the Thumbs Up groups blog

At Thumbs Up Group we develop a set of skills that allow the children to become 'phonologically aware'. Understanding that words are made up of individual sounds and learning how to manipulate those sounds is extremely important when learning to read and write.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome to Thumbs Up group

On Tuesday, Red group and Blue group met for the first time in Room 7 at Upper Harbour Primary School.  We talked about what we are going to be learning about at Thumbs Up group.  We discussed about how important it is to be a good listener and what a good listening looks like.

We played a game with animal picture cards.  Mrs Wallwork placed the pictures around the room where we could see them.  We took it in turns to make an animal noise and the rest of the group had to stand next to the picture of the right animal.  Everyone did a really good job and it was great practice for the listening we will be doing next time.

Thumbs Up to everyone!!

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