
Welcome to the Thumbs Up groups blog

At Thumbs Up Group we develop a set of skills that allow the children to become 'phonologically aware'. Understanding that words are made up of individual sounds and learning how to manipulate those sounds is extremely important when learning to read and write.

Friday, November 11, 2011

     It has been another busy week for the three Thumbs Up groups.  Group one practised listening for words in sentences a few more times, then moved on to listening to the syllables within words.  We clapped out the syllables in our names  then moved on to clapping lots of words and using counters to see how many syllables the words had.  We found that MON-KEY has two syllables, BUT-TER-FLY has three syllables and CAR has just one.   Next week we will be playing a syllables snakes and ladders game.

     Group two have been listening for rhyming words again.  They have played match-up games and done some colouring activities to practise identifying rhyming sounds.  Next week they will be moving on to generating their own rhymes with some rhyme story telling....... WATCH THIS SPACE!

     Group three had fun this week with "Metal Mike".  Mrs Wallwork said some sounds and the children took it in turns to blend the sounds together into words.  If the students got the word right they were allowed to 'feed' the picture card into Metal Mike's mouth.  He loved eating the B-O-X but not the B-U-G !!

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