
Welcome to the Thumbs Up groups blog

At Thumbs Up Group we develop a set of skills that allow the children to become 'phonologically aware'. Understanding that words are made up of individual sounds and learning how to manipulate those sounds is extremely important when learning to read and write.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 4

This week at Thumbs Up group...................

Groups One and Two have learning about 'loud' and 'quiet' speech sounds.  For example, the sounds made by the letters B, D and V are 'loud' sounds and you can feel them in your throat.  The sounds made by the letters P, T, and F are 'quiet' sounds that we make at the front of our mouth.

Group 3 have been splitting words into sounds - we call this segmenting.  They played a lotto game where you take turns to find a picture that matches with your card, then you have to find all the sounds in your word before you get to keep the card.  The game took a REALLY long time to finish, but we had fun!

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